Believe it. With much prodding from Craig, we have all agreed that it should happen. Now the logistics…
First, we decided it should be at the Token. Also we need a set list so we can RE-learn the songs. We agreed that Scott will fly in for a practice before the show. Paul and Jeremy will figure out the guitar parts, then get together with John….
However, in the meantime, an actual “3/4 Reunion” actually happened. It was all because Euphoric Haze (of which John and Paul are members) was playing the same night as GrouperSoup (of which Jeremy is a member). We couldn’t *not* make this happen. So John, Paul, and Jeremy got together for a couple brief practices with the very gracious and awesome Sean (also of Euphoric Haze) and tossed together a couple songs for the show. Thanks guys!
Now, will we do this again…?
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