Here is the result of our smoke-filled back-room secret meetings on the proposed ‘working’ set list (with notation of who proposed the song, and links to the mp3’s)…
…updates, 20130629…
Abortion v.1 or Abortion v.2(John)
Conversation with Paul (Craig, Jeremy, Paul, Scott, John)
Demi-Gods (Craig, Jeremy, Paul, Scott, John)
Maturity (Paul, Scott, John)
Moo Goo Gai Pan (Jeremy, Paul, Scott, John)
Nipple (Craig, Jeremy, Paul, Scott, John)
Passive Active (Craig, Jeremy, Scott, John)
Pedestrian Pickoff Pt. I (Craig, Jeremy, Paul, Scott, John)
Punt (Jeremy) – Played 20130629 at the “3/4 Reunion“
Short Attention Span (Craig, Jeremy, Paul, Scott, John) – Played 20130629 at the “3/4 Reunion“
Volatile (Jeremy, Paul, Scott, John)
Final Number (Jamie, Scott, John)
Rock (Jeremy, John)
The Will (Craig, Scott, John)
Satellites (Paul, Scott)
Whip it (Craig, Scott, John)
What do you think?
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